ipTEST annouce a 400A, 1kV Clamped Inductive Load (CIL) adaptor with 500A short-circuit test for testing high switching-speed power discrete GaN and SiC devices.
ipTEST launches our new web site
M2 DS5 Mk2
The development of the M2 DS5 Mk2 gives an appreciable improvement to the performance of the DS5 product, to extend its capability to higher currents and improve robustness in the presence of potentially damaging energy pulses.
M2 DS5 Short Circuit Apps Adapter
ipTEST have concluded the development of the DS5 short circuit apps adapter that enables us to perform high speed stress tests on the new generation of semiconductor devices, adapting conventional component handling equipment previously considered inadequate for such testing, thereby providing greater productivity at lower cost. For more information please see our M2 webpage.
11 Pin Adapter Control Mk2
ipTEST today announced a significant improvement to the control element of the 11 Pin Adapter, to increase measurement accuracy and extend the scope of its application.
M2 Four Slot Backplane
Today ipTEST announced an extension to the M2 system architecture. The M2 four slot backplane allows simultaneous control of multiple resources in a single enclosure, thereby reducing cost and increasing efficiency. Most importantly, it allows extra test card generators to be added to a system at a later date. This means test systems can be upgraded or boosted with additional current sources.
Linux based controller
M2 3kV HV generator
ipTESt are announcing a new product development to test high voltage parameters of new generation semiconductor devices, using an innovative architecture which leads the way to a new system architecture. The M2 test system is a modular approach that can allow expansion of test capabilities when required.
M2 Trr Tester
ipTEST has completed redesign of an existing Trr generator (reverse recovery test) but using the new M2 control architecture to achieve significantly lower cost-of-test and massively higher throughput. The system uses a small footprint test head to allow the distance to the handler to be significantly reduced.
M2 DS5 generator
ipTESt are delighted to announce a new M2 product development for performing dynamic tests on all types of semiconductor devices. The DS5 improves on the performance of the DS4 product in terms of measurement accuracy and throughput. It also reduces the footprint of the system and allows the test head to be brought in close proximity to the handler units.